Optical-model analysis of twoρ0-photoproduction experiments

An optical-model analysis of two important experiments measuring ρ0 photoproduction on complex nuclei is presented. In an effort to determine σρ, the ρ0-nucleon total cross section, and αρ, the ratio of the real to the imaginary part of the ρ0-nucleon forward elastic scattering amplitude, the best normalization of the theory to the experimental data is determined for many pairs of values of these parameters. It is concluded that uncertainties in the theory make it impossible to determine σρ and αρ uniquely, but that if one is taken as known, the other can be determined well; and the two experiments give approximately the same relationship between σρ and αρ. If αρ is taken to be ∼ -0.2, σρ27 mb is obtained, consistent with older analyses. Some attention is also focused on |f0|2, the forward differential cross section for ρ0 photoproduction on one nucleon, and the closely related parameter γρ24π. These quantities are somewhat uncertain, however, because of theoretical ambiguities in determining the normalization of the experimental cross sections. Various uncertainties in the optical model are discussed, and it is concluded that they may make small numerical changes in the results but do not affect the qualitative picture.

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