The total number of brook trout age I and older in three runs of Blacktail Creek, Mont., was reduced approximately 62% when 90% of the normal flow was diverted for about 3 months, in comparison with 20% for runs in control sections. Both number and weight of trout in pools of the test sections generally increased, whereas those in control pools decreased. Recaptures of tagged trout also indicated movements from runs to pools in the test sections, but not in the control sections. When the flow was reduced 75% or less, there were no consistent changes in number or weight of trout in the test runs and pools, whereas those in the control sections were more marked though also inconsistent. Reduced flows had no consistent effect on the number of underyearlings. The changes in most physical characteristics after 90% flow reduction were considerably less than the degree of reduction, presumably because the stream flowed in a well defined channel. Surface area and average depth were least affected (about 42% decrease) and current velocity (75%) the most. Fast-water portions (current velocity over 0.30 m/sec) comprised over 60% of the surface area at normal flows and slow water portions over 85% of the area when the flow was reduced 90%. A multiple linear regression with the physical characteristics as independent variables and the number of trout as the dependent variable accounted for over 75% of the variation in the number of age I and older trout in runs and pools.

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