Physical Aspects of the Deuteron and Helium Nuclei Beams from the M.R.C. Cyclotron

Irradiation conditions, dosimetry and measurements of beam energy are described for beams of deuterons and helium nuclei from the M. R. C. Cyclotron. It is necessary to use very thin samples, and these are placed on a revolving wheel so that they move across a narrow beam emerging from the cyclotron. Using the track segment method it is possible to obtain LET [image][linear energy transfer] values from 5.5 to 20 kev/[mu] with deuterons, and from 2ft to 100 kev/[mu] with helium nuclei. Beam energies have been measured by several methods, the mean values being 16.7 and 32.8 MeV inside the machine for deutrons and helium nuclei respectively. A Faraday cup and a calorimeter have been used to check the accuracy of the monitor chamber, and satisfactory agreement was obtained between theory and experiment.