An Upper Llandovery limestone overlying Hollybush Sandstone (Cambrian) in Hollybush Quarry, Malvern Hills

SUMMARY: New exposures of Upper Llandovery and Cambrian strata are described from the southern Malvern Hills. The rocks occur in a small faulted outlier between Midsummer and Hollybush Hills, within the main Pre-Cambrian outcrop. The Cambrian is represented by a thin succession of Malvern Quartzite and Hollybush Sandstone and is overlain by an Upper Llandovery limestone with a basal conglomerate containing rounded pebbles of Hollybush Sandstone. The new exposures weaken the case for a major post-Llandoverian fault at the western boundary of the local Pre-Cambrian outcrop, but provide further evidence of an important phase of pre-Llandoverian tectonism in the Malvern area.Faunas of brachiopods, graptolites and conodonts from the Llandoverian limestone allow a correlation with the C5 substage of the shelly sequence, the griestoniensis graptolite zone and a position near the boundary of the celloni and amorphognathoides conodont zones.