A Model to Predict the System Performance of an Electrostatic Precipitator for Collecting Polydisperse Particles

This paper presents a model for predicting the performance of an electrostatic precipitator (ESP) for collecting polydisperse particles. The particle charge was obtained by modifying Cochet’s charge equation; the particle size distribution was approximated by a lognormal function; and then the statistic method of moments was employed to obtain a set of the first three moment equations. The continuous evolution of the particle size distribution in an ESP is easily taken into account by the first three moment equations. The performance of this model was validated by comparing its predictions with the existing data available in the literature. Effects of the particle size distribution on the ESP performance were examined, and the results indicated that both overall mass and number efficiencies are lower for inlet particles with a larger mass median diameter and a higher geometric standard deviation. The methodology introduced may be applied to develop design criteria and determine optimal operating conditions of an ESP for improving the collection efficiency of the submicron particles.

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