Homozygous deletion scanning of the lung cancer genome at a 100‐kb resolution

Whole genome scanning of 43 lung cancer cell lines at a 100‐kb resolution led to identification of 51 genomic regions with homozygous deletions (HDs). The regions contained 113 genes, including two known tumor suppressor genes, RBl (RB) and CDKN2A (p16), and eight genes previously reported as being candidate tumor suppressor genes, such as PTPRD and LRP1B. Three miRNA genes, MIRNLET7C (let‐7c), MIRN99A (hsa‐mir‐99a), and MIRN125B2 (hsa‐mir‐125b‐2), were also mapped in a region with HD at 21q11‐q21. The present study provides a list of protein‐ and miRNA‐encoding genes whose inactivation is possibly involved in lung carcinogenesis.