Summary: Regionally mappable, silicic, outflow ignimbrite sheets are interbedded with fluvial volcanogenic conglomerates and sandstones of the Late Carboniferous Currabubula Formation of north-eastern N.S.W. Four of the most widespread of these ignimbrites are described and defined as members. The oldest member is comprised of many thin, originally non-welded flow units. Interbedded accretionary lapilli horizons may indicate phreatomagmatic activity at vent during the eruption in addition to local rain-flushing of co-ignimbrite ash clouds. Of the three other members, two are multiple flow-unit sheets, 160–180 m in aggregate thickness. Substantial portions of these sheets were originally welded. The remaining member is a simple welded ignimbrite characterized by abundant spherulites and lithophysae. Irregular pre-eruption topography and contemporaneous erosion were responsible for thickness variations of the ignimbrite sheets. Some palaeovalleys, now delineated by the ignimbrites, persisted in spite of repeated pyroclastic influxes. Relic pumice, shards and crystal fragments are ubiquitous components of the sedimentary facies of the Currabubula Formation, and were probably derived from originally poorly consolidated pyroclastic deposits such as airfall ash layers and non-welded ignimbrites. No surface trace of the sources of these ignimbrites exists. However, internal facies, thickness variations and volumes of the ignimbrites indicate that they periodically emanated from a multiple-caldera terrain which was continuously active during the Late Carboniferous, and located several kilometres to the west of present exposures.