Fat-Controlled Diets

A description of the purpose of fat-controlled diets, and their method of use, is presented for physicians, dietitians, nutritionists and nurses who may be called upon to aid and advise patients concerning adherence to such prescribed diets. The two booklets, “Planning Fat-Controlled Meals for 1200 and 1800 Calories” and “Planning Fat-Controlled Meals for Unrestricted Calories,” provide the basis for the nutritional and practical discussion. These booklets are available to patients through a physician’s prescription from local and State Heart Associations. An essential element of these diets, a high ratio of polyunsaturated to saturated fat, is explained and its achievement by dietary means is described. Included are tables with estimated composition of selected nutrients for the booklet diet plans at five caloric levels. A sample meal pattern and menu plan for an “average” male dieter are presented. The fat-controlled diets are evaluated according to the Department of Agriculture Daily Food Guide, which is a practical guide to meeting the Recommended Dietary Allowances of the National Research Council Food and Nutrition Board. Included are suggestions to make the diet appetizing and appealing.