Synthesis and Characterization of Chitosan Grafted Oligo(L‐lactic acid)

Chitosan grafted oligo(L‐lactic acid) copolymers with different length of side chain were prepared through the reaction of terminal aldehyde group of oligo(L‐lactic acid) (OLLA) and amino groups of chitosan. The mean molecular mass of the grafting OLLA chain was ca. 600 ∼ 5 000. The graft copolymers are soluble in DMSO, DMF and acetic acid. The synthesis method and structure described here provide chitosan‐g‐OLLA copolymers with broad applicability. Structure of chitosan‐g‐oligo(L‐lactic acid). magnified image Structure of chitosan‐g‐oligo(L‐lactic acid).