On the universality of the Milan factor for 1/Q power corrections to jet shapes

  • 20 February 1998
We perform the two-loop analysis of the 1/Q power corrections to jet-shape variables. This step is necessary for producing reliable theoretical predictions for the relative magnitudes of genuine confinement effects. We show that the rescaling factor recently derived for the thrust case (the Milan factor) remains the same for the class of observables which includes the C-parameter, invariant jet masses, jet broadening and the energy-energy correlation measure. We list the expressions which should be used for extracting 1/Q power effects in jet shapes. We also envisage large non-perturbative effects, characterised by fractional powers of Q, in certain semi-inclusive observables such as the height of the spectrum of Drell-Yan lepton pairs with invariant mass Q and transverse momentum Q_t=0, and back-to-back energy flows in e^+e^- and DIS.

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