Intimacy-Scaled Stimuli for Use in Studies of Interpersonal Relations

Psychometric materials for use in research on interpersonal exchange and self-disclosure included 671 statements about various aspects of the self which people might discuss as they form interpersonal relationships with others. Items were scaled for “intimacy” and topical category by judges from two different populations. From equal-appearing interval analysis were obtained intimacy scale values and Q-scores. Pearson product-moment correlations showed high agreement between the two populations. The validation of a priori category nomenclature indicated that placements of 497 out of 671 statements were agreed upon by at least 8 of 16 judges. An additional 20 statements were reliably categorized by judges in other than the originally assigned topic areas. Thus, there was reliable agreement among judges as to statement topic for 77% of the items. Advantages and suggested usages of the item pool were discussed.

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