Optical and Ferroelectric Properties of Barium Sodium Niobate

Optical absorption, refractive index, dielectric constant, nonlinear optical coefficients, and linear electro-optic coefficients are reported for single-domain crystals of Ba2NaNb5 O15 between room temperature and the Curie temperature. Orthorhombic (mm2) barium sodium niobate, a filled tungsten-bronze structure, is stable to intense laser radiation, and its phasematchable nonlinear coefficients are 3 times those of LiNbO3 and LiIO3. For the 1.064-μm laser fundamental, the observed phase-match temperatures and the angular half-widths of the phase-matched second-harmonic intensity due to the coefficients d31 and d32 are found to be in good agreement with the values calculated from refractive-index data. The dielectric constant and electro-optic half-wave voltage data indicate that Ba2NaNb5 O15 is a useful electro-optic modulator material. The temperature variation of the spontaneous polarization PS is deduced from the birefringence, electro-optic, nonlinear optical, and pyroelectric data. It is concluded that the ferroelectric transition in Ba2NaNb5 O15 is of the first order.