Length Changes in Dendritic Networks of Cerebellar Purkinje Cells of Old Rats after Chronic Ethanol Treatment

Dendritic networks of cerebellar Purkinje neurons from aging ethanol-treated Fisher 344 rats were analysed for metric changes in terminal and internal segments of the networks. Mean lengths of three categories of dendritic segments were determined. No significant metric changes in segment lengths were detectable immediately at the termination of 24 weeks of ethanol treatment, but significant changes were apparent after 8 weeks of recovery from ethanol treatment. Return to a diet of standard laboratory chow was associated with a period of dendritic extension in networks from pair-fed control rats but not in those from the ethanol-treated rats. The resulting significant differences in mean segment length were restricted to the paired terminal segments at the peripheral tips of the bifurcating networks. Unpaired terminal segments and internal segments of the networks showed no significant changes in length during the recovery period.