Predation by Alewives on Larvae of Yellow Perch in Lake Ontario

Alewives Alosa pseudoharengus preyed upon larval yellow perch Perca flavescens during late April and early May in a Lake Ontario embayment. Based on stomach analyses of 1,308 alewives collected during the springs of 1984–1986, predation on larval yellow perch occurred primarily at night in littoral areas during the 2 weeks immediately following peak hatch of yellow perch. Among stomachs of all alewives caught at night in littoral areas, 30% in 1985 (N = 43) and 41% in 1986 (N = 71) contained yellow perch larvae. Mean numbers of whole larvae per alewife stomach were 3.8 in 1985 and 32.6 in 1986. As many as 361 intact larval yellow perch were found in one stomach. Mean total lengths of yellow perch consumed on two dates in mid-May 1986 were 7.3 and 7.6 mm, compared to mean sizes of 8.0 and 8.6 mm of larvae living within the bay. We suggest predation by alewives on yellow perch larvae may reduce yellow perch recruitment in Lake Ontario as well as in other Great Lakes.