Study of High-Energy Photoproduction with Positron-Annihilation Radiation. I. Three-Prong Events

The photoproduction of resonances has been studied in three exposures of a hydrogen bubble chamber to positron-annihilation radiation of 4.3-, 5.25-, and 7.5-GeV nominal energies. The general analysis procedure and results on the three-prong-event topology are presented. We study the highly constrained reaction γppπ+π over the energy range 2-8 GeV and the reactions γppπ+ππ0 and γpnπ+π+π at the annihilation energies. Cross sections are given. Using various models to parametrize the ρ0 "elastic" reaction we find the mean t slope to be 7.1±0.4 GeV2 and its forward cross section to decrease from 130 μb GeV2 at 3.3 GeV to ∼ 100 μb GeV2 at 7.5 GeV. The cross section for γpωp is decomposed into one-pion exchange (OPE) and a diffractive part, σD(ω), which is found to be 1.5±0.3 μb. σ(ρ0)σD(ω) is then 9.5±2.3. In comparing vector-meson production with Compton scattering via vector-meson dominance, we find that for γρ24π=0.32±0.03 there is good agreement at all s and t where comparison may be made (Eγ=58 GeV). In a search for ρ2π, we find, at the 90% confidence level, σρ(1250)<0.3 μb and σρ(1650)<0.1 μb per 100-MeV width. Inelastic peripheral ρ0 production is seen, but with present statistics we cannot identify specific nucleon isobars associated with it. Quasi-two-body reactions γpπΔ++, ρΔ++, and A2+n are observed, decreasing with photon energy like Eγa. For the first two we find a=1.74±0.16 and 0.6±0.2, respectively. We conclude that if the reaction γpρΔ++ is due to an OPE process, the required ρπγ width (∼0.5 MeV) is much in excess of the value predicted by SU(3).