The RESID Database is a comprehensive collection of annotations and structures for protein pre-, co- and post-translational modifications including amino-terminal, carboxyl-terminal and peptide chain cross-link modifications. The RESID Database includes: systematic and alternate names, atomic formulas and masses, enzyme activities generating the modifications, keywords, literature citations, Gene Ontology cross-references, Protein Information Resource (PIR) and SWISS-PROT protein sequence database feature table annotations, structure diagrams and molecular models. This database is freely accessible on the Internet through the European Bioinformatics Institute at http://srs.ebi.ac.uk/srs6bin/cgi-bin/wgetz?-page+LibInfo+-lib+RESID, through the National Cancer Institute — Frederick Advanced Biomedical Computing Center at http://www.ncifcrf.gov/RESID, or through the Protein Information Resource at http://pir.georgetown.edu/pirwww/dbinfo/resid.html.