Properties and incompatibility behavior of miniplasmids derived from the bireplicon plasmid pCG86

Many plasmids belonging to the F incompatibility groups contain more than one basic replicon. The chimeric plasmid pCG86 is an example of such a multireplicon plasmid. The two basic replicons of pCG86, RepFIIA/FIC and RepFIB have been cloned and re-ligated, the copy numbers of the clones have been determined, and the incompatibility behavior of plasmids containing the ligated replicons and the individual replicons has been studied. The bireplicon plasmids are not expected to be incompatible as recipients with monoreplicon RepFIB or RepFIIA/RepFIC plasmids, since when one replicon is challenged by an incoming replicon, the other should be able to handle the plasmid's replication. In our studies, we found that challenge with either monoreplicon plasmid resulted in incompatibility. This incompatibility was increased in bireplicon plasmids in which RepFIB was duplicated. We conclude that in the bireplicon plasmids, challenging the replication control of one replicon by an incompatible plasmid can interfere with the replication originating from the second replicon.