Many members of the Actinnobacillus‐Haemophilus‐pasturella group (family Pasteurellaceae) have been misclassified. This article reviews the chemotaxonomic characters that recently have been provided to improve the taxonomy of Pasteurellaceae. These include fatty acids of whole cells, of lipopolysaceharides and of single colonies, together with sugar contents of whole cells, of whole defaatted cells, of lipopolysaccharides and of single colonies. This article also review taxonomy aided by distribution of proteins in whose cells and outer membranes, distribution of enzymes in outer membrane vesicles and in whole cells, bacteriolysis induced by ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and hen eggwhite lysozyme and the distribution of respiratory quinines. Furthermore, an overview of characters obtained through studies on genetic transformation, restriction enzyme analysis, restriction fragment length polymorphism, DNA‐DNA hybridization, DNA‐rRNA hybridization, and 16S rRNA sequencing is given.