Conservation and chromosomal localization of DNA satellites in balenopterid whales

DNA satellites were isolated from three balenopterid species, viz. the minke, sei, and fin whales. In each of them at least two DNA satellites were recognizable with buoyant densities in neutral CsCl of ρ=1.702/1.703 and ρ=1.710/1.711, respectively. cRNAs from each satellite group were used for filter and in situ hybridisations. Homo- and heterologous DNA-cRNA hybrids within each satellite group yielded virtually identical melting curve profiles showing conservation of at least a considerable part of the DNA satellite sequences. There was no evident sequence homology between the ρ=1.702/1.703 and the ρ=1.710/1.711 satellites by filter hybridisation. — The in situ hybridisation showed that in each species the ρ=1.702/1.703 satellite was located in centromeric-paracentromeric C-bands in a few pairs, whereas the ρ=1.710/1.711 satellite was located in terminal C-bands throughout the karyotypes. — The data on the whale DNA satellites indicate that the quantitative evolution of the satellite DNA sequences preceded species divergence of the balenopterids and that the satellite sequences have remained relatively unaltered since the divergence took place. The function of satellite DNA is considered to imply the introduction of both chromosomal and genic polymorphisms and thus being of great importance in speciation. Based upon these concepts a model is postulated for the function of satellite DNA. According to this model at meiotic pairing euchromatin-heterochromatin overlapping between homologous chromosomes is considered to be of a general occurrence. This overlapping is presumed to be accentuated by the size heteromorphism frequently observed between homologous heterochromatic segments (C-bands). In the region of such euchromatin-heterochromatin overlapping, crossing-over would be excluded. The overlapping is suggested to be rectified progressively in the chromosome arms, leaving unaffected crossing-over distant to the euchromatin-heterochromatin junctions. The consequence of this will be that genes in the proximity of the junctions are collectively inherited and selected, whereas genes distant to the heterochromatin will be independently assorted and selected.