Simple Method for Determining Frictional Sliding Resistance and Frictional Energy Dissipation in Layered Ceramics

A method is presented for measuring the frictional sliding resistance between cracked laminae in a layered ceramic. The first step in the test involves using a wedge to completely crack a weak interface along the length of the specimen. The cracked specimen is then loaded in three‐point bending, and the loaddeflection response is monitored. A deviation from linearity is observed when the load is sufficiently high for sliding to occur between the upper and lower halves of the specimen. The load at which this nonlinearity is first observed can be related to the interfacial sliding resistance. A model is then developed to relate the energy absorbed during a loadunload cycle to the frictional sliding resistance. The analysis is verified using a model system made from steel, and a ceramic composite made from silicon nitride and boron nitride.