Cone production increases of 2.5, 5.0 and 1.5 times that of control were obtained the year following treatment with 400 lb nitrate nitrogen per acre (1 lb/acre = 1.12 kg/ha), applied 6 weeks before vegetative bud break, at the start of bud break, and 10 days after the midpoint of the bud break period, respectively, on 20-year-old Douglas fir (Pseudotsugamenziesii (Mirb.) Franco.). Cone counts of 15, 26, 72, 142 and 155 were obtained from 0, 200, 400, 800 and 1600 lb nitrate nitrogen per acre, applied to 13-year-old trees during early bud break. Ammonium nitrogen, applied at the same rates and times, was ineffective for stimulation of cone production on either age of tree. There were no differences in rate of accumulation of total nitrogen in buds and foliage, shoot-growth responses, or total number of buds per shoot due to form of nitrogen. Nitrate treatment enhanced cone production through a reduction in bud failure during the shoot elongation period. These results suggest responses are not primarily due to improved mineral nutrition, but to a specific chemical stimulation from critically timed changes in type of nitrogen metabolism. Possible influences of temperature and rainfall on natural cone crop periodicity and on proper timing of nitrate treatment are discussed.