A reexamination of rat ductuli efferentes

In 33 testes from a random selection of rats a 10% suspension of India ink in normal saline was introduced through the rete testis into the emergent ductuli efferentes. Low‐Power microsocopy and microradiography confirmed the individually independent origin of each ductule. Five ductules were isolated in each of 17 testes, 4 ductules in 6, 6 ductules in 8, and in 2 testes, 7 and 9 ductules, respectively. In six animals minor variations existed as between the right and left testes ± 1 in 4 and ±2 in 2. It is necessary to exercise great caution in the interpretation of results of experimental work on alteration of the ductuli, because of variability between colonies and within strains of rats.