Mental Retardation in Association with Progressive Muscular Dystrophy

In the course of evaluating a series of children in whom the primary diagnosis of pseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophy has been established, we have been impressed with the apparent fact that these children were functioning at intellectual levels significantly below those expected for normal children. Comprehensive psychological evaluations were performed by one of us (D. W. R.) as a part of our total evaluation of the patient in our Muscular Dystrophy Clinic. This Clinic, established at the Convalescent Hospital for Children in Cincinnati, serves patients with the established or suspected diagnosis of muscular dystrophy. The Clinic serves the area of southwest Ohio, adjacent areas of northern Kentucky, and southeastern Indiana. The majority of these patients are seen on an outpatient basis in our Clinic, but in individual cases they are admitted to the hospital for further evaluation and in some instances rehabilitative care. Review of Literature A review of the literature