Albino mice were successfully infected intravenously, subcutaneously, intraperitoneally and on the intact and scarified skin with Dermatophilus congolensis. Various gross lesions were observed. Large subcutaneous nodules were produced in mice that were injected subcutaneously. Lesions involving the internal organs were obtained in mice that had been injected intravenously and intraperitoneally in addition to microabsessation and scab formation on the tails of those that were injected intravenously. The application of D. congolensis on scarified skin resulted in scab formation covering the whole area while its application on non-scarified skin produced isolated lesions. The organism was isolated in pure culture from exudate, pus and scab material obtained from lesions. Severe histopathological changes were noted in sections prepared from the lesions. Premedication of mice with prednisolone trimethylacetate increased the severity of the experimentally induced lesions.