Traditional protocols for the immunohistochemical localization of peptides and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) in nerve fibers in cryostat sections require the tissue to be thoroughly fixed and rinsed and to be processed for the cryostat sectioning and the immunohistochemical staining more or less directly after freezing. In the present study it was tested whether also unfixed, rapidly frozen tissue, conforming to guinea pig and bovine heart specimens, can be used for the visualization of neuropeptides [neuropeptide Y (NPY) and substance P (S P)] and TH in cryostat sections. The following observations were made: 1) NPY-immunoreactive (IR) and S P-IR nerve fibers could be clearly identified in both fixed and unfixed sections of this type of tissue. 2) TH-IR nerve fibers could be detected in unfixed tissue if the sections were post-fixed with aldehydes by the use of a two-step fixation process related to a sudden change of pH. However, the outlines of the nerve fibers were sometimes diffuse. 3) Storage of unfixed tissue for periods of up to 2.5 yeart at −80° C did not lead to a decrease in immunoreactivity. 4) Somewhat higher concentrations of primary antibodies had to be used for sections of unfixed tissue than for sections of fixed tissue when the FITC method was used. This waste of antibodies was partly overcome by use of the biotin-streptavidin method. The glyoxylic acid induced catecholamine(CA)-fluorescence method for demonstration of sympathetic nerve fibers was also applied and was found to give optimal results after storage of tissue for up to 2.5 years. The study shows that the use of unfixed rapidly frozen tissue represents a fast and realistic method for the demonstration of neuropeptide immunoreactivity, that it to some extent can be used for the visualization of TH-containing nerve fibers and that it is a suitable method to maintain longterm neuropeptide and TH immunoreactivity as well as long-term CA-fluorescence reaction.