Ultrastructural Studies of Microconidium Formation in Neurospora crassa

Microconidiating cultures of “peach-fluffy” ( pe, fl; Y8743m, L; FGSC #569) were fixed at various times after the initiation of growth and examined with an electron microscope. Hyphae from which microconidia form are markedly vacuolated and show a much more extensive system of rough endoplasmic reticulum than young vegetative hyphae. A bulge in the hypha presages the start of microconidium formation, followed by the rupture of the outermost wall layers. A thick collar forms around the protruding microconidium due to extensive thickening of the inner wall layer of the parent hypha. At this stage, the cytoplasm of the developing microconidium is still continuous with that of the microsporophore cell from which it arises and is contained by a wall which is derived from the thickened collar. The microconidium is finally isolated from the cytoplasm of the microsporophore by a centripetal extension of the collar. Microconidia differ from macroconidia in having a more extensive endoplasmic reticulum and fewer mitochondria, in addition to being smaller and having a single nucleus.

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