Studies of mutagenesis and neoplastic transformation by bivalent metal ions and ionizing radiation

We examined the influence of nontoxic concentrations of each of two essential (Zn++ and Mn++) and one nonessential (Ni++) bivalent metal ions on spontaneous and radiation‐induced neoplastic transformation and specific gene mutations in mammalian cells. All three metals induced low levels of transformation in mouse BALB/3T3 cells but exerted no mutagenic effect in CHO cells (hprt locus) over a broad range of concentrations. Continuous incubation for 8 or 15 days with each of the metal ions did not enhance the frequency of cell killing, transformation, or mutations induced by acute exposure to x‐rays. Zn++, however, had a small but consistent protective effect on the induction of all three endpoints by xirradiation.