Effects of disorder on properties ofA15materials

We have calculated the effects of disorder on the density of states, Fermi velocity, and Drude plasma frequency for V and its A15 compounds V3X, with X=Al, Ga, Ge, Si, and Sn, and for Nb and its A15 compounds Nb3X, with X=Al, Ga, Ge, Si, Sn, and Sb using the electron-lifetime model and the results of band-structure calculations. In most cases the density of states and the superconducting transition temperature Tc are found to decrease with increasing disorder, in qualitative agreement with experiment. Exceptions are Nb3Sb and Nb3Si, for which we have found a small increase in Tc. We are also presenting calculations of the effects of disorder on the mean free path, BCS coherence length, London penetration depth, Ginzburg-Landau κ, and the temperature dependence of the upper critical field for the above materials. Comparison with the existing experimental data is made.