Pour une intégration des méthodes en psychologie : approches expérimentale, psycho-génétique et différentielle

Summary : Towards an integration of approaches in psychology : experimental, decelopmental and differential. A recent tendency in psychology is observed, which consists in bringing together three approaches that were traditionally opposed : experimental psychology, differential psychology or psychometrics and developmental psychology. Epistemological and methodological grounds for such a tendency are examined. The paper focuses on the limits of each approach in turn. Epistemological and methodological reasons for which a constructivist theory should necessarily integrale these approaches are then proposed. Finally, a brief overview of the methodological principles underlying Pascual-Leone's Theory of Constructive Operators is presented, as an illustration of a methodology combining the three approaches. Key-words : experimental psychology, developmental psychology, scien-tific epistemology, methodology, constructivism.

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