Enhancement of iron availability by some organic materials

SUMMARY: In a preliminary laboratory experiment in Iran, not reported here, 5 out of 30 plant materials incorporated into a highly calcareous soil had a positive effect on increasing the DTPA- (diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid)-extractable Fe and all except one significantly increased the vegetative growth of sorghum. The plant materials included Lawsonia inermis L., Malva silvestris L., Zyzyphus nummularia Wak. and Lavandula carnopifolia L. A glasshouse study was repeated with two California soils pretreated with 0·5% Fe2O3 to determine if these organic materials have practical value in making Fe available to plants. A calcareous, Fe-deficient Hacienda (fine-loamy, mixed, thermic aquic natrargid) and a non-calcareous Yolo (fine-silty, mixed, non-acid, thermic typic xerothents). The previously mentioned organic materials and Laminaria saccharina L. (Lamour) were incorporated into the soils at two rates, 15000 and 20000μg/g, as air dry and in ash form. An adequate supply of major and micronutrients other than Fe was ensured. Other treatments included 5 μg Fe/g as FeSO4, Fe-138 chelate and control. All of the plant materials with the exception of L. carnopifolia significantly increased dry-matter yield and Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn uptake by sorghum in the Hacienda soil. In the Yolo soil the above were not significant. Thin-layer chromatography of the extracts of the plant materials revealed the presence of significant quantities of phenolic substances.