Serum Theophylline Determination by Isothermal Gas-Liquid Chromatography on 3% SP2250-DB

A GCL method is described for the determination of serum theophylline. Sample preparation involves an initial chloroform extract of 1.0 ml of serum, a toluene wash, back extraction into 0.5 M ammonium hydroxide, and derivatization. The N-butyl derivative of theophylline is quantitated by isothermal gas-liquid chromatography with flame ionization detection. This procedure is selective for theophylline in the presence of phenobarbital, theobromlne, and caffeine. A single determination including patient, control, and standard can be completed in 30 minutes. The chromatographic portion of the analysis requires less than 3 minutes per injection. The chromatography is performed isothermally at 200°C on a 3-foot glass column packed with 3% SP2250-DB on Supelcoport.