Immune responses to soluble antigens of treponemes.

Sonicates from 5 cultivable treponemes were used as antigens in delayed hypersensitivity tests and macrophage inhibition assays. Immunodiffusion analysis showed that the sonicate comprised 2 major antigenic components which were not distinguishable in the skin tests. The sonicate antigens elicited significant cell-mediated immunity in guinea-pigs. Treponema refringens biotype Nichols apparently induced the strongest delayed response. Delayed skin hypersensitivity to the antigens of T. pallidum was found in 8 rabbits without orchitis, but not in 6 rabbits with T. pallidum orchitis. The rabbits with syphilitic orchitis gave the strongest reactions with the nonpathogenic spirochetes. In terms of the cell-mediated immunity responses, T. phagedenis Reiter was related to T. phagedenis Kazan 4 and T. denticola. T. scoliodontum was related to T. phagedenis Kazan 5 and T. refringens biotypes Nichols and refringens. The antigens of T. pallidum had the closest relationship to T. refringens biotypes refringens and Nichols, T. phagedenis biotype Reiter and T. scoliodontum. Some 3 of 12 human syphilitic sera apparently reacted with the antigens of T. pallidum but not with control sera.