Equations have been derived to predict the bending behavior of a two-dimensional assembly of long thin straight fibers, which are generalized linear viscoelastic in bending and torsion, and are subject to frictional restraints (in the assembly) in both these modes of deformation. The resultant bending behavior of the assembly in any direction θ is characterized by a generalized linear viscoelastic function known as the bending-relaxation-rigidity plus an internal frictional moment. The bending-relaxation-rigidity may be calculated from first principles as a linear combination of the component fiber bending and torsional relaxation moduli. The internal frictional moment will generally be found experimentally. It is suggested that the theory presented. may be applied under conditions of changing temperature and relative humidity to the bending behavior of woven and nonwoven fabrics composed of generalised linear viscoelastic fibers of one or more types.