Ultrafine Electrospun Polyamide‐6 Fibers: Effect of Solution Conditions on Morphology and Average Fiber Diameter

Summary: In the present contribution, the electrostatic spinning or electrospinning technique was used to produce ultra‐fine polyamide‐6 (PA‐6) fibers. The effects of solution conditions on the morphological appearance and the average diameter of as‐spun fibers were investigated by optical scanning (OS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques. It was shown that the solution properties (i.e. viscosity, surface tension and conductivity) were important factors characterizing the morphology of the fibers obtained. Among these three properties, solution viscosity was found to have the greatest effect. Solutions with high enough viscosities (viz. solutions at high concentrations) were necessary to produce fibers without beads. At a given concentration, fibers obtained from PA‐6 of higher molecular weights appeared to be larger in diameter, but it was observed that the average diameters of the fibers from PA‐6 of different molecular weights had a common relationship with the solution viscosities which could be approximated by an exponential growth equation. Raising the temperature of the solution during spinning resulted in the reduction of the fiber diameters with higher deposition rate, while mixing m‐cresol with formic acid to serve as a mixed solvent for PA‐6 caused the solutions to have higher viscosities which resulted in larger fiber diameters. Lastly, the addition of some inorganic salts resulted in an increase in the solution conductivity, which caused the fiber diameters to increase due to the large increase in the mass flow. Average diameter of as‐spun fibers plotted as a function of the viscosity of the solutions. magnified image Average diameter of as‐spun fibers plotted as a function of the viscosity of the solutions.