Effect of intervention in inflammatory bowel disease on health-related quality of life

Health-related quality of life (HRQOL) is a quantitative measurement of subjective perception of health state, including emotional and social aspects. It can be reliably measured with several valid instruments. Previous reviews of the literature suggested inadequate attention to HRQOL in studies of interventions in inflammatory bowel disease. This study was undertaken to assess the current status of the quality of measurement of HRQOL in studies of inflammatory bowel disease and to review the clinical conclusions warranted by the literature. Medline was searched for articles relating to ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, or inflammatory bowel disease and quality of life since 1981. The articles found were reviewed for citations of further articles. The adequacy of HRQOL measure was assessed and graded, and the study design was categorized to assess the strength of the literature on the whole. A trend was found toward higher quality of HRQOL measurement in the period 1988 to 1994 compared with 1981 to 1987. Most of the improvement was because of increased use of standardized and multidomain but unvalidated and unpublished questionnaires for measurement. Confidence in the following clinical conclusions in studies of surgical interventions in inflammatory bowel disease is limited by study design: that pelvic pouch is not inferior to ileostomy, that specific domains of HRQOL are differentially affected by different surgical procedures, and (with less confidence) that surgery is helpful in Crohn's disease. Medical studies have demonstrated that high quality HRQOL measures can be integrated into randomized, prospective trials. Clinically equivalent treatments have shown differential effects on 9 mg daily of budesonide is superior to 15 mg, and hydrocortisone foam enemas are superior to prednisolone. Home parenteral nutrition has received modest support, limited again by study design. It is recommended that standard tests of HRQOL be used to increase comparability of studies and to increase the quality of this literature in general. In particular the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire, Rating Form of Inflammatory Bowel Disease Concerns, and Direct Questioning of Objectives are recommended.