On Cuterebra horripilum Clark (Diptera:Cuterebridae) Parasitizing Cottontail Rabbits in Wisconsin

Morphology, biology and ecology of C. horripilum with brief notes on C. buccata (F.). The egg, third instar larva, puparium and male genitalia of C. horripilum are described: Most larvae were obtained from July 28 to Oct. 16 from Sylvilagus floridanus mearnsii (Allen) trapped in the Univ. Wisconsin Arboretum in 1955 and 1956. In certain weeks of Aug. infestation reached 50%. Puparia maintained at 24 to 30*C yielded adults as early as 145 days; puparia refrigerated for 3 months at 5 to 6''C yielded adults as late as 337 days. Maximum adult life span was about 1 week. Dissection of female revealed 2297 eggs. Included are photographs, drawings, tables, a map and a graph.