Adhesion, proliferation, and adipogenesis in primary rat cell cultures: effects of collagenous substrata, fibronectin, and serum

The effects of collagenous substrata, fibronectin, and fetal bovine serum on the adhesion, proliferation, and adipogenesis of rat stromal-vascular cells are reported. There was no effect on initial stromal-vascular cell-attachment by fetal bovine serum or fibronectin. The number of cells attached to a hydrated collagen-gel was almost twice (PPPPP<0.01) on hydrated collagen-gel compared to dried, denatured or dried collagen-gel. Percentage of conversion was not significantly different among levels of fetal bovine serum, although this percentage increased as fetal bovine serum level increased. Adipocytic conversion was not different between fibronectin-treated or untreated cells. Morphology of stromal vascular cells was similar on dried collagen and dried, denatured collagen-gel, but tended to remain bipolar on hydrated collagen-gel. These studies indicate that fetal bovine serum in combination with the extracellular matrix (dried, denatured collagen) increased the differentiation of rat stromal-vascular cells into adipocytes, and that hydrated collagen inhibited differentiation.