Cardiac Allotransplantation in Newborns as Therapy for Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome

Hypoplastic left heart syndrome constitutes a spectrum of severe congenital cardiovascular anomalies dominated by underdevelopment or absence of the left ventricle, aortic valve, and mitral valve. The ascending and arch segments of aorta are usually of very small caliber, and a diaphragm-like segment of aortic coarctation typically occupies what should be the preductal aortic isthmus. The ductus arteriosus empties directly into a descending thoracic aorta of normal caliber. The surgical morphologic nature of this complex syndrome has been clearly described.1 2 3 4 These developmental malformations are a prelude to fatal postnatal pathophysiologic processes. Survival after birth depends entirely on adequate systemic blood . . .