Testing of Methods for Determination of Urban Runoff

A brief outline of various methods developed for the calculation of urban stormwater runoff is presented. The Chicago Method, the Road Research Laboratory Method, the EPA Storm Water Management Model, and the University of Cincinnati Urban Runoff Model are tested in three urban watersheds: Chicago 10-acre tract, Oakdale 12.9-acre drainage area, and Bloody Run 2,380-acre urban watershed. All four methods successfully simulate storm water runoff hydrographs in the case of the two small drainage areas. Runoff hydrographs obtained from (EPA) Storm Water Management Model and the University of Cincinnati Urban Runoff Model are compared with recorded hydrographs at the outlet of the Bloody Run Sewer Watershed at Cincinnati, Ohio. The comparisons indicate that the estimation of the infiltration capacity to be used in these models is of predominant importance in the case of large urban drainage areas.

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