DYSTROPHIA adiposa corneae was first described by Kamocki1 in 1893 in a paper entitled, "A Case of Fatty Degeneration of the Cornea with Intermittent Irritative Phenomena." Katz and Delaney,2 in their careful review of the cases reported up to 1933, found only 8 undoubted instances of primary fatty degeneration of the cornea. These cases were reported by Kamocki1 (Warsaw), 1893; Tertsch3 (Vienna), 1911; Bachstez4 (Vienna), 1921; Kusama5 (Tokyo), 1921; Verderame6 (Turin), 1922; Elschnig7 (Prague), 1923; Denti8 (Milan), 1926, and Meyer9 (Freiburg), 1928. Katz and Delaney also recorded a list of 7 cases that they felt did not fulfil the narrow limits of the condition, in that all occurred shortly after an ocular inflammation. These cases were reported by Takayasu10 (Japan), 1912; Dor11 (France), 1913; Meesmann12 (Berlin), 1928; Spanlang13 (Vienna), 1927, and Gilbert14 (Hamburg), 1929. A