About 5,000 calories of energy were expended by a fasting man in 24 hrs. The energy derived from protein was ca. 1.5% of the total. In the early stages of work ca. 1/2 the energy was derived from carbohydrate; in the last 2 hrs., less than 1/10. In this subject, injection of adrenalin in 3 portions of 1 cc each had no effect on protein metabolism, but increased the carbohydrate utilization more than 1/2 over the corresponding period in the control exps. Smaller amts. of adrenalin produced smaller results. In other subjects, the injection of adrenalin had an effect less in magnitude but of the same sign. Further evidence that adrenalin, instead of impairing, facilitates the oxidation of carbohydrate in moderate activity is found in the fact that the excretion of acetone bodies was always less after adrenalin than in corresponding periods of control exps. The effects of adrenalin on blood sugar and lactic acid in work are like those in rest. When the conc. of blood sugar has reached its max., lactic acid has begun to decline while the RQ has already returned to the level of control exps.

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