Effect of Various Graft Materials with Tetracycline in Localized Juvenile Periodontitis

Ten patients with bilateral, posterior osseous defects associated with localized juvenile periodontitis (LJP) completed the study. Following the initial therapy, osseous defects were surgically debrided and grafted with a 4:1 volume ratio combination of either Synthograft/tetracycline (b-TCP/TTC), Periograft/tetracycline (HA/TTC) or freeze-dried bone allograft/tetracycline (FDBA/TTC). Graft materials were selected randomly for each half mouth following defect debridement, with a different material used on the opposite side for that patient. Immediately following each surgery, patients were placed on doxycycline 100 mg/day for 10 days. Direct re-entry evaluation of 51 osseous defects demonstrated no significant differences among the graft materials regarding hard tissue or soft tissue changes, except for greater percent defect fill for HA/TTC compared to b-TCP/TTC. Significant decreases in defect depth were and pocket depth achieved with each graft material. No adverse reactions to the use of any of the graft materials in combination with local and systemic tetracycline were found. The results indicate all three graft materials used in conjunction with TTC are acceptable and beneficial for the treatment and repair of osseous defects associated with localized juvenile periodontitis.