The Effect of Single Doses of Irradiation Upon the Tissues of the Upper Rat Incisor

This histologic investigation is based on a study of the upper incisors of 59 white rats, 30-90 days of age, the basal ends of which had been irradiated with a single dose of X-rays varying from 1000-4000 r. Following low doses (1000- 2000 r), the changes were localized to the labial part of the odontogenic zone and consisted of edema, dentin hypoplasia, formation of osteodentin, waviness of dentino-enamel junction, and shallow enamel hypoplasia. Following high doses (3000 - 4000 r), the changes at the basal end of the incisor could be divided into a destructive and a regenerative phase. The destructive phase consisted of edema and cystic changes, destruction of odontoblasts, formation of osteodentin, cessation of pulpal growth and of eruption, and the alteration of the enamel organ into reduced enamel epithelium. The regenerative process was usually limited and depended upon the presence or absence of viable elements in the odontogenic epithelium. It consisted of the organization of cysts, proliferation of the odontogenic epithelium, and the formation of a new incisor.