A set of equations is described which permit prediction of the time course of heart rate in a dog anesthetized with pentobarbital from the time course of frequency of stimuli applied to the distal cut ends of vagus and sympathetic efferent nerves to the heart. These equations, although based on assumptions as to the physiological mechanisms involved, were only tested for their ability to describe the kinetic relationship involved. The time course of heart rate resulting from combined vagus and sympathetic nerve stimulation (HRSV) is given by the equation: HRSV = HRV + (HRS - HR0) (HRV - HRmin)/(HR0 - HRmin), where the subscripted terms are heart rate values due to vagus stimulation (v), sympathetic stimulation (s), no stimulation (0) and the minimum (min) heart rate achievable by vagus stimulation alone. Clearly the vagus influence is capable of dominating the sympathetic in the control of heart rate.