L. cppticola Korf et Tewari is described from 2 collections from Chaffey''s Locks, Ontario. Anatomy of stromata on agar and apothecia on leaves and petioles is described. It has as distinguishing characters longer and narrower spores that turn brown just before germination under reduced oxygen tension and an essentially negative iodine reaction to the ascus pore. Stromatal development and delimitation and maturation of the rind are described. The author''s concept of the stroma in this sp. differs from that proposed by Whetzel for the genus. Relation to other genera of the Sclerotiniaceae is discussed. The optimum temperature for vegetative growth and stroma formation is 18[degree]C, though maturation of the rind cells of the stroma is more rapid at higher temperatures. Depth of penetration of the hyphae is inversely proportional to the depth of the medium, while radial growth is unaffected.