An important determinant of the ability of Turnip mosaic virus to infect Brassica spp. and/or Raphanus sativus is in its P3 protein

Turnip mosaic virus(TuMV, genusPotyvirus, familyPotyviridae) infects mainly cruciferous plants. Isolates Tu-3 and Tu-2R1 of TuMV exhibit different infection phenotypes in cabbage (Brassica oleraceaL.) and Japanese radish (Raphanus sativusL.). Infectious full-length cDNA clones, pTuC and pTuR1, were constructed from isolates Tu-3 and Tu-2R1, respectively. Progeny virus derived from infections with pTuC induced systemic chlorotic and ringspot symptoms in infected cabbage, but no systemic infection in radish. Virus derived from plants infected with pTuR1 induced a mild chlorotic mottle in cabbage and infected radish systemically to induce mosaic symptoms. By exchanging genome fragments between the two virus isolates, the P3-coding region was shown to be responsible for systemic infection by TuMV and the symptoms it induces in cabbage and radish. Moreover, exchanges of smaller parts of the P3 region resulted in recombinants that induced complex infection phenotypes, especially the combination of pTuC-derived N-terminal sequence and pTuR1-derived C-terminal sequence. Analysis by tissue immunoblotting of the inoculated leaves showed that the distributions of P3-chimeric viruses differed from those of the parents, and that the origin of the P3 components affected not only virus accumulation, but also long-distance movement. These results suggest that the P3 protein is an important factor in the infection cycle of TuMV and in determining the host range of this and perhaps other potyviruses.