Competitive Exclusion, Harem Behaviour and Host Specificity of the Water MiteUnionicola ypsilophora(Hydrachnellae, Acari) InhabitingAnodonta cygnea(Unionidae)

The co‐occurring freshwater musselsAnodonta cygneaandA. anatinaserve as hosts for the water mitesUnionicola ypsilophoraandU. intermedia, respectively. MaleU. ypsilophoradisplay a territorial behaviour. They fight with other males, and as a result, there is usually only one male per host. As a consequence, this intrasexual aggression results in female‐defence polygyny, or a harem mating system. In contrast,U. intermediashows no antagonistic behaviour between males.A. cygneacan serve as a host forU. intermedia, but this mite species apparently is excluded from the mussel byU. ypsilophora.In this way,U. intermediais restricted by competitive exclusion to the musselA. anatina.