Determination of organochlorine and organophosphorus pesticide residues in low moisture, nonfatty products using a solid phase extraction cleanup and gas chromatography

A multiresidue solid‐phase extraction (SPE) method for the isolation and subsequent gas Chromatographie determination of organochlorine and organophosphorus pesticide residues in low‐moisture, nonfatty products is described. Residues are extracted from samples with an acetonitrile/water mixture. Cleanup of the extract is performed using graphitized carbon black and anion exchange SPE columns, and analysis is performed by gas chromatography with Hall electrolytic conductivity and flame photometric detection. Recovery data was obtained by fortifying corn, oats and wheat with pesticides. The average recoveries were 79–123% for eight organochlorine and 51–122% for 28 organophosphorus pesticide residues. The limit of quantitation for chlorpyriphos was 0.05 ppm using the Hall electrolytic conductivity detector and <0.005 ppm using the flame photometric detector.