Human chorionic gonadotrophin and alpha‐fetoprotein in testicular germ cell tumours: a retrospective immunohistochemical study

A series of testicular germ cell tumors (46 seminomas and 27 non-seminomas) was studied immunohistochemically with regard to the presence of .alpha.FP [.alpha.-fetoprotein] and HCG [human chorionic gonadotropin]. In 3 seminomas, HCG reactive syncytiotrophoblast-like giant cells (STLG) were found. Immunoreactive .alpha.FP did not occur in seminomas. In differentiated mature teratomas HCG and .alpha.FP could not be demonstrated. In embryonal carcinomas with or without teratoma (MTI/MTU/MTT) HCG immunoreactivity was found in 83%, usually localized in STLG. In 75% of these tumors .alpha.FP was demonstrated. This protein was localized in foci of endodermal sinus or yolk sac differentiation, but also in single cells and cell clusters in areas of embryonal carcinoma. In some cases syncytial cells were present which contained both HCG and .alpha.FP. Immunostaining of tumor markers appeared not to provide important additional criteria for classification of these tumors. The significance of HCG containing STLG in seminomas deserves further investigation. Prospective studies of embryonal carcinoma with or without teratoma (MTI/MTU/MTT) will be necessary to evaluate the possible prognostic importance of the presence of .alpha.FP and HCG.