Background: Conjoined twins occur in approximately one in 200 000 live births. Their management is often extremely complex and experience with large numbers is restricted to a few centres worldwide. Methods: An analysis of 17 sets of symmetrical conjoined twins managed by a single team of surgeons over a 16-year period was undertaken. Results: Management could be divided into three groups. Those in group 1 (n = 5) had non-operative management, owing to cardiac fusion or gross anatomical union, and all died. Those in group 2 (n = 7) underwent emergency separation, when one twin was dead or threatening the survival of the sibling or where there was a correctable life-threatening associated anomaly (four of 14 survived). Twins in group 3 (n = 5) underwent elective separation, allowing time for detailed preoperative investigation and planning (eight of ten survived). Conclusion: Accurate preoperative investigation, a team approach, previous experience, and meticulous operative and postoperative management contributed to the success rate achieved in this series.